Updated to use the 2019-01-01 API version. Removed the ability to create v2 Functions in regions that do not support it. Added functionality to accept input from pipeline for 'Get-AzEventHub' from 'Get-AzEventHubNamespace'. Find the chart you pinned earlier and click anywhere on the tile outside of the chart data to expand it. {DefenderPlan:name,Pricing:pricingTier,RemainingTime:freeTrialRemainingTime}" Updated cmdlet to add 'TunnelInterface' property for backend pool related operations. The following new cmdlets are added: [#12371]. The Email/SMS message/Push/Voice pane opens. Azure Security Center gives you complete visibility and control over the security of hybrid cloud workloads, including compute, network, storage, identity, and application workloads. Deprecated from code old auditing cmdlets. in preview, all of its arguments are as well. Updated assembly version of SiteRecovery and Backup cmdlets, Added Tail parameter to Get-AzDeploymentScriptLog and Save-AzDeploymentScriptLog cmdlets, Formatted Output property and show it on the Get-AzDeploymentScript cmdlet output, Renamed -DeploymentScriptInputObject parameter to -DeploymentScriptObject. New cmdlet 'Start-AzVmssRollingExtensionUpgrade'. Fix: Surface error when invalid webapp name provided, Fix #13261 az webapp list-runtimes use static list until new Available Stacks API is available, Fix webapp/slot creation for Windows Containers, Support list, delete, approve and reject private endpoint connection for webapp in CLI, Fix #13888 : Add support for Static WebApps: get, list, create commands, Improved error messages for SSH Tunnel Connection, Add Public, Private to params for help with ingress/apiserver visibility. [#18045][#17536], Support ExtendedLocations by 'Get-AzLocation' [#18046]. Bugfix: az postgres flexible-server create Remove hardcoded API version from network client. Now it only occurs when the user does not provide a sku size. Added parameter '-PrivateLinkConfiguration' to cmdlet 'New-AzHDInsightCluster' to support to add private link configuration when creating cluster with private link feature. Once you select your Categories details, then send your Logs to your preferred destination. Add Priority, EvictionPolicy, and MaxPrice parameters to New-AzVM and New-AzVmss cmdlets, Fix warning message and help document for Add-AzVMAdditionalUnattendContent and Add-AzVMSshPublicKey cmdlets. [BREAKING CHANGE] az billing invoice: Remove properties BillingPeriodsNames and DownloadUrlExpiry from the response. -'Add-AzRoutingPolicy' [Breaking Change] Changed output properties 'ExpiresIn', 'TimeAfterCreate' and 'TimeBeforeExpiry' of 'Set-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy' and 'Get-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy' from TimeSpan? Fix vulnerability assessment set baseline cmdlets functionality to work on master db for azure database and limit it on managed instance system databases. Since a diagnostic settings needs to be created for each monitored Azure resource, Azure Policy can be used to automatically create a diagnostic setting as each resource is created. Added Parameters: 'RetentionInDays' 'PublicNetworkAccessForIngestion' 'PublicNetworkAccessForQuery' for 'New-AzApplicationInsights', Created cmdlet 'Update-AzApplicationInsights', Created cmdlets for Linked Storage Account. It's more efficient, though, to create the policy programmatically by using a script in the PowerShell Gallery. System logs generated by Azure Container Apps. Fixed a bug where not all properties of PSSyncSessionStatus and PSSyncActivityStatus objects were being populated properly. You can use these operations in your own Azure custom roles to provide granular access control to resources in Azure. Azure Blob Containers - CLI will populate missing credentials using storage account key provided via command line Added SubscriptionId, TenantId, and execution time into data of client side telemetry, Fixed typo in Example 1 in reference documentation for 'New-AzAutomationSoftwareUpdateConfiguration', Improved error message when server responses empty body, Allowed empty value for ProximityPlacementGroupId during update, Added cmdlet to get managed rule definitions that can be used in WAF, Fixed duplicated text for Add-AzKeyVaultKey.md. Set-AzVMDscExtension Az 6.0.0 (Az.Accounts 2.3.0) is only supported on Windows PowerShell 5.1, PowerShell 7.0 version 7.0.6 or greater and PowerShell 7.1 version 7.1.3 or greater, open https://aka.ms/install-powershell to learn how to upgrade. Log Analytics workspace for viewing and analysis. Remove-AzVMChefExtension With the addition of resource log category groups, you can now choose options that dynamically update as the log categories change. [#19471], Used the ArgumentCompleter attribute to replace the dynamic parameters of 'Get-AzContext'. Updated to use the 2020-06-01 API version. Introduced support to update the backup interval and backup retention for accounts with periodic mode backup policy. Fix Issue 9551 for honoring TierFilesOlderThanDays, Fixing a bug where some SiteConfig properties were not returned by Get-AzWebApp and Set-AzWebApp, Adds a new Location parameter to Get-AzDeletedWebApp and Restore-AzDeletedWebApp, Fixes a bug with cloning web app slots using New-AzWebApp -IncludeSourceWebAppSlots, Add support for environments and data planes in generated cmdlets, Fix bug where incorrect endpoint was being used in some cases for data plane cmdlets in Windows PowerShell, This module is now included as a part of the roll-up, Added support for querying subscriptions by User and Product, Added support for querying using Scope '/', '/apis', '/apis/echo-api', Added support for specifiying 'ApiVersion' and 'ApiVersionSetId' when importing Apis. Introducing AnalyticalStorageTTL in SqlContainer. vmss create/update: Added --scale-in-policy, which decides which virtual machines are chosen for removal when a VMSS is scaled-in. Introduce new Generations for VirtualNetworkGateways. 'MaxTasksPerComputeNode' has been renamed to 'TaskSlotsPerNode', to match a change in functionality. The All Alerts pane opens and lists the Sev 3 alerts that have fired. Fix an error in help document of 'Remove-AzTag'. Fixed a naming-difference issue in PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState class. Updated Set-AzVmBootDiagnostic to default to managed storage account if not provided. Fix bug that can't create a Standard_v2 application-gateway without a private static IP address, Fix NoneType error crash while deleting nonexisting resources of ApplicationGateway, LoadBalancer, Nic, Fix #15600: az storage fs exists: in case fs does not exist ResourceNotFoundError is returned, Fix #15706: The examples for storage container create are incorrect, Hotfix: Add TS multiline string support for template inputs, Update max standard load balancer timeout to 100 minutes, Fix issue with creating consumption tier instance, Fix querying key-values by comma separated labels, Bugfix: az webapp up fails when user doesn't have write permissions to project's parent directory, Fix #13777: Fix to remove escape chars from XML, Fix #15441: az webapp create-remote-connection fails with AttributeError: 'Thread' object has no attribute 'isAlive', [BREAKING CHANGE] az webapp up: add optional params (os & runtime) and updated runtimes, Make template deployment What-If commands GA, [BREAKING CHANGE] Add user confirmation for az ts create, Fix the returned data when tagging multiple resources, Increasing VM protection limit from 100 to 1000, sig image-definition create: add --features, New API version of gallery_images 2020-09-30, [BREAKING CHANGE] az hdinsight create: remove two parameters: --public-network-access-type and --outbound-public-network-access-type, Remove preview warning since it is already GAed, Add List-SKUS Command, Table Transformers, Local Context for Postgres, MySQL, Mariadb Single Server, [BREAKING CHANGE] Parameter name updates. This property can only be specified if 'IPAddressProvisioningType' is 'UserManaged'. Fix #17379: bicep auto install results in invalid json output from deployment, Fix an issue where checking version upgrade for Bicep CLI throws exception if GitHub API rate limit is hit, Fix policy create with rgNamePrefix and rgNameSuffix, Support for managed service identity & default identity, [BREAKING CHANGE] RPM installed az now uses, Allow DB server private access from different subscription, Modify server create with private network, fix restore time bug, Fix #17172: When run check-health behind corporate proxy, Fix #16700: Use "exists" api to check storage blob existence, Fix cross-sub assigning identity error and attach acr error, Fix #17094: Created separate test suite for CRR tests, Fix #16037: az vm open-port accepts list of ports, Add actionable message when an extension is not compatible with the CLI core, Bump version from '2020-08-01' to '2020-11-01', Added tests for flexible server team pipeline, Added PostgreSQL database create, show, and delete feature, Fix #16952: Fix ImportError after upgrade. Upgraded storage creation in Vulnerability Assessment auto enablement to StorageV2, Support generate Blob/Constainer Idenity based SAS token with Storage Context based on Oauth authentication, Support revoke Storage Account User Delegation Keys, so all Idenity SAS tokens are revoked, Revoke-AzStorageAccountUserDelegationKeys. Added new 'Get-AzApiManagementGatewayHostnameConfiguration' cmdlet. Added ProtectedItemsCount in Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProtectionPolicy. Important. az monitor diagnostic-settings categories list: List the diagnostic settings categories for the specified resource. Updated the following cmdlets to work when the resource uses a remote image source using AKS or Shared Image Gallery. Added a subnetId argument for the 'Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime' cmdlet to support RBAC checking for VNet injection against the subnet resource ID instead of the VNet resource ID. The cmdlet 'Set-AzIotHub' no longer supports the parameter 'OperationsMonitoringProperties' and no alias was found for the original parameter name. These are read-only cmdlets, so there would be no change in the input of the cmdlets. Added readonly field GlobalReachEnabled in ExpressRoute. Set-AzVMChefExtension Enhanced process of multiple columns classification. Fix bug preventing repeat creation of KeyCredentials, Fixed bug where restore could fail due to setting unnecessary properties in restore request, Correct example in Get-AzWebAppSlotMetrics, Update to latest version of ClientRuntime, AEM extension: Add support for UltraSSD and P60,P70 and P80 disks, Update help description for Set-AzVMBootDiagnostics, Update help description and example for Update-AzImage, Add Get/Set AzSqlDatabaseBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy, Fix issue where not being logged into Azure account would result in nullref exception when executing SQL cmdlets, Fixed null ref exception in Get-AzSqlCapability, Release with correct version of Authentication, Release with updated Authentication dependency, Add interactive and username/password authentication for Windows PowerShell 5.1 only, Add warning message in PS Core for Uninstall-AzureRm, Fix issue with ADLS endpoint when using MSI. WebConnect to Microsoft Azure to: Get metrics from Azure VMs with or without installing the Datadog Agent. Added cmdlets for CRUD operations on EventHub Application Groups. Update cmdlet Get-AzHDInsightJobOutput to distinguish reader role and hdinsight operator role: Users with reader role need to specify 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' parameter explicitly, otherwise error occurs. Andrei Zhukouski (@BurgerZ), Fix typo (#14575), Mark Allison (@markallisongit), Update Invoke-AzSqlInstanceFailover.md (#14603), Fixed incorrect warning message on Windows PowerShell [#14556], Set Azure Environment variable 'AzureKeyVaultServiceEndpointResourceId' according to the value of 'AzureKeyVaultDnsSuffix' when discovering environment, Fixed the issue for starting Python3 runbooks with parameters, Updated IoT Hub Management SDK and models to version 3.0.0 (api-version 2020-03-01), Supported upcoming new API design for 'Export-AzKeyVaultSecurityDomain', Fixed several typos in cmdlet messages [#14341]. Added '--enable-enhanced-auth' flag support to 'az bot directline create'. The following example data is logged each time a rule is applied. Added the existing parameters 'Exportable', 'Immutable', 'UseDefaultCVMPolicy', and 'ReleasePolicyPath' If you're unfamiliar with the features of Azure Monitor common to all Azure services that use it, read Monitoring Azure resources with Azure Monitor. Now parameter IncludedKbNumber and IncludedPackageNameMask should work. Added fallback logic (reading default CVM policy from a local copy) if fetching default CVM Policy from GitHub failed. Configure logs destination for your Container Apps environment using the Azure CLI az containerapp create and az containerapp update commands with the --logs-destination argument. Disable-AzHDInsightMonitoring to replace Disable-AzHDInsightOMS. [#17370], Fixed the issue that authorization does not work in customized environment [#17157], Enabled Continue Access Evaluation for MSGraph, Improved error message when login is blocked by AAD, Improved error message when silent reauthentication failed, Loaded System.Private.ServiceModel and System.ServiceModel.Primitives on Windows PowerShell [#17087], Updated the breaking change warning messages [#16805]. [#18002], Added all attributes of location info for 'Get-AzLocation', including 'pairedRegion' and so on. Use 'Set-AzApiManagement' instead. Updated 'set-azExpressRouteGateway' to allow parameter -MinScaleUnits without specifying -MaxScaleUnits. Added optional BackupManagementType parameter. -'Update-AzVirtualHub', Made arguments '-MinScaleUnits' and '-MaxScaleUnits' optional in 'Set-AzExpressRouteGateway', Added new cmdlets to support Mutual Authentication and SSL Profiles on Application Gateway, 'Get-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration', 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayClientAuthConfiguration', 'Add-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate', 'New-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate', 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate', 'Set-AzApplicationGatewayTrustedClientCertificate', 'Get-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfilePolicy', 'Remove-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfilePolicy', 'Set-AzApplicationGatewaySslProfilePolicy'. AssignIdentity parameter is removed from 'New-AzVmssConfig', 'New-AzVMConfig' and 'Update-AzVM' cmdlets. Add-AzVmssVMDataDisk, DiskEncryptionSetId and EncryptionType parameters are added to the following cmdlets: Added MSI properties to New-AzEventHubNamespace and Set-AzEventHubNamespace. -Remove-AzEventHubApplicationGroup Updated cmdlets to add EngressNatRules and EgressNatRules in VirtualNetworkGateway Connection. Fixed redundant quotes in list pagination [#17667], Updated API version to beta for group member related cmdlet to allow service principal to be add, get and delete from group [#16698], Added parameter '-OwnedApplication' for 'Get-AzADApplication' to get applications owned by current user, Added parameter '-Web' for 'Update-AzADApplication' [#16750], Added new cmdlets for security Automations API, Updated firewall rules for Attestation network to block all other traffic, Updated cluster to ignore Attestation network, Supported DaysAfterLastTierChangeGreaterThan in Management Policy, Fixed the issue that upload blob might fail on Linux [#17743], Supported AllowPermanentDelete when enable blob soft delete, 'Enable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy', Added breaking change warning message for upcoming cmdlet breaking change, Added support for Synapse Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) only authentication, Added 'Get-AzSynapseActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication' cmdlet, Added 'Enable-AzSynapseActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication' cmdlet, Added 'Disable-AzSynapseActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication' cmdlet, Updated 'New-AzWebAppContainerPSSession' with CmdletDeprecation Attribute [#16646], Updated 'Restore-AzDeletedWebApp' to fix issue that prevents the cmdlet from working on hosts with a locale is anything different from 'en-US', Aleksandar Nikoli (@alexandair), Fix the UniqueName property in the examples (#17826), Martin Bentancour (@mbentancour), Fix DateTime issue restoring deleted webapp (#16308), Preben Huybrechts (@pregress), Perform null check before accessing it (#16552), Ryan Buckman (@ryan-buckman), update example 1 command description to match the ApiRevision arg in code sample (#17741). 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