All we need to do is admit that we have a need and ask our friends to stand with us in prayer. (There is some evidence to show that the Hebrew name Ahasuerus can be easily derived from the Persian name.) His decree was irreversible. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your fathers house will perish. 1:19). Yehuda Landy. At this time, Haman appeared before the king. I think this book is very significant as it makes an argument regarding the character of King Ahasuerus, or Xerxes as he is known in the Greek, that is quite opposite of the accepted traditional teaching that is out there. 9:20). 4:8). The Cross And The Flesh (Gal. 485). King Ahasuerus (Xerxes) holds a grand feast. We do not need to air all our dirty linen, run down our spouses or gossip about anybody else involved in the problem. In the record was the story of an assassination plot against him that Mordecai had discovered and exposed, for which act he had never been rewarded (Esth. For Timothy Bateman. B. Esther in the courts of the king. It is very likely that one section housed the maidens while the other housed the concubines. His actions continually reflected his disinterest in the things of the Lord and caused her endless grief. When Ahasuerus sat on the throne of his kingdom Was settled in the quiet possession of it, enjoying peace and tranquillity throughout his large dominions; which was in Shushan the palace "Which, after the conquest of the Medes, was made by Cyrus, and the rest of the Persian kings, the royal seat, that they might not be too far from Babylon. But after being with the king, they were moved to the house of concubines where they were put under care of the eunuch Shaashgaz (v. 14). That obviously does not mean we should live our lives in total disregard for the will of God, and then expect Him to work out the mess we make. Subsequent to Esther, Ezra leads a second return to the land of Israel about 20 to 30 years later in 458 BC under Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:1). How does Esther and Mordecai's relationship contrast with that of King Ahasuerus and Vashti? Ezr 4:6 And in the reign of Ahasuerus, in the beginning of his reign, they wrote an accusation against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem. The celebration lasted for half a year and concluded with a week-long drinking festival, during which both the king and his guests consumed vast quantities of alcohol. 485). 1:3, 4). Esther wisely invited King Ahasuerus and Haman to a banquet at her palace rooms that night, ensuring privacy and a small audience. Therefore, many of the people of the land became Jews, because fear of the Jews fell upon them (v. 17). This action would teach the woman of Persia and Media not to despise and disobey their husbands. 2:17). She was the daughter of Abihail (Esther 2:15) . Esther won favor in the eyes of all who saw her (v. 15). When Mordecai learned all that had been done, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the midst of the city and wailed loudly and bitterly. 8:1,2). The quarters consisted of two sections arranged in the shape of an L which were adjacent to Xerxes palace on the southern and eastern sides. 10 king ahasuerus laid tribute on the land and on the islands of the sea. But we can thank God for them anyway. (Queen of the Persian king Ahasuerus) According to the biblical 'Book of Esther,' Esther was a Hebrew woman from Persia who became the queen of Persian king Ahasuerus, generally identified as Xerxes I, the fifth king of kings of the Persian Achaemenid Empire. When King Ahasuerus' wife Vashti refused his summons, he first exiled her and later holds a contest for who will be her replacement (Esther 1:19;2:1-4). The counselors advised him that because Queen Vashti disobeyed him, she should never again enter his presence and that the king should dethrone her (v. 19). Bible commentators associate Esther's king with Xerxes I (485-465 BC), son of Darius I, the fourth emperor of the Achaemenid Empire. | Technical Support She would probably have rather been in Jerusalem with her countrymen, but for some reason her parents had declined to go back when King Cyrus gave his permission fifty years earlier. Sometimes different Bible translations can lead to interesting questions. She was a lovely woman, and there was no way she could escape the clutches of the kings servants who were scouring the land for beautiful women. These Jews were away from their land by their own choice, out of the place of blessing, separated from their place of worship, and that may be why neither God nor prayer are directly mentioned. His armies were superior to theirs and the momentum of history was on his side. On the advice of cowed and inept councillors, he made the situation worse by issuing a public decree that Vashti was to be banished.This drew even more attention to the fact that Vashti had flouted his command, and made him look a fool to all his subjects. After Esther bravely went to the King, he gave her Haman's house and made Mordecai the new chief of staff (Esther 8:2). So it was that this simple Jewish girl became the queen of the Persian empire. Esther gained favor with Hegai, the man in charge of these women (verse 8). The book of Esther records that after Queen Vashti refused the command of King Ahasuerus (King Xerxes) to appear before a group of people, the king became very angry and his wrath burned within him (Esther 1:10-12). Then let the young lady who pleases the king be queen in place of Vashti (Esth. A West Semitic language, in which most of the Hebrew Bible is written except for parts of Daniel and Ezra. Every day Mordecai walked back and forth in front of the court of the harem to learn how Esther was and how she fared. And he added, let the most noble prince proclaim before him: Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor (v. 9). So, his wife and friends said to him, set up a pole and ask the king in the morning to have Mordecai impaled on it, then, go to the banquet and enjoy yourself. The Book of Abraham and the Mormon Translation Problem. Then, the king signed the new decree written by Esther and Mordecai. Providentially, the section that was read was about how Mordecai saved the kings life by exposing an assassination against him (ch. If she refuses, the king can spin her naysaying into a crime of treason. 2:1). She stayed with Ahasuerus and sacrificed her . Now the young lady was beautiful of form and face, and when her father and her mother died, Mordecai took her as his own daughter ( Esth. When he came back, he saw that Haman had fallen across the couch where Esther was. The meaning of the name is not known. Esther 2:12-13 tells us that each woman was given twelve months to prepare herself for the king. Verse 19 reports that since she refused to display her beauty to the crowd, she could no longer come before the king. So, he asked his servants to read to him the chronicles of his rule. Ahasuerus (Hebrew Achashwerosh), is a transliteration of the Persian Khshayrsh. Peter serves at Shepherd's Theological Seminary in Cary, NC as the professor of Old Testament and Biblical Languages. The man of the house was none other than the king of the greatest empire in the world of his day. That is, ahav is not used to describe reciprocal or mutual emotion and, indeed, is overwhelmingly associated with men and may thus be suggestive of their social privilege. If God can make mans wrath praise Him, He can certainly make our sins and shortcomings praise him. What was a concubine in the Old Testament era? King 'Ahasuerus', which is a title, reigns over 127 provinces under the Persian Empire. Esther did not make known her people or her kindred, for Mordecai had instructed her that she should not make them known. He ruled over the kingdoms of Persia, Media, and Babylonia, "from India to Ethiopia." This was in all probability the Xerxes of profane history, who succeeded his father Darius (B.C. So Esther was taken unto king Ahasuerus into his house royal in the tenth month, which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign. With that shroud of prayer surrounding and protecting us, the next step is to determine in our hearts that we shall do the will of God in that situation, whatever the cost or consequence. Esther 2:8-11 reports what happened next. However, if you ever see arguments for Artaxerxes as the king during the time of Estherdont believe it! We could point to various things that the text says about Esther as fitting reasons for Ahasuerus to love her: that she is admired by all who saw her (Esth 2:15) and that she was fair and beautiful (Esth 2:7). As a result, in every province and city, wherever the kings command and decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a holiday. The book ends highlighting how Mordecai helped his people. Now if we had only been sold as slaves, men and women, I would have remained silent, for the trouble would not be commensurate with the annoyance to the king. The king was shocked. The set of Biblical books shared by Jews and Christians. The story of Esther begins with a grand banquet at the palace of King Ahasuerus, also referred to as King Xerxes. 1:5). 3 After these things did king Ahasuerus promote Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him, and set his seat above all the princes that were with him. Love commands in the Bible include actions of justice and favor to other humans as a way to show ones love of God. People who study a text from historical, literary, theological and other angles. King Ahasuerus also allowed the Jews to protect themselves and save their property by making another proclamation: "And in every province and city, wherever the king's command and decree came, the Jews had joy and . Then King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and to Mordecai the Jew, 'Behold, I have given Esther the house of Haman, and they have hanged him on the gallows, because he intended to lay hands on the Jews. Josephus, recorded that the king chose 400 women as candidates (ch. To understand the life of Esther we need to know the background as well. The forces of good working behind the scenes. For example, if we were to compare the NIV and the ESV translations, we would come across a seemingly large difference. So, the king ordered Haman do what he said to Mordecai. Hadassah, a Jewess who goes by the name of Esther, is chosen to fulfill this role due to her beauty. Esther sent one of the kings chamberlains to find out why Mordecai was in mourning. Secular history knows him better by his Greek name, King Xerxes I who ruled Persia from 486 to 465 B.C. Esther 10:1-3. Her reference to fasting would reveal her great confidence in the power of prayer, particularly in the fellowship of other believers in prayer. 4:13, 14). 2:8). One of them became his queen. He was the son of Darius I of Persia; his mother was the daughter of Cyrus the Great. In the narrative, Ahasuerus seeks a new wife after his . Perhaps Sin is Not Crouching at the Door (Genesis 4:7), The Biblical Problems and Physical Dangers of Transgender Ideology. How can you help each other handle the trying circumstances of life? When Haman saw that Mordecai would not kneel down to him, he was enraged and he looked for a way to destroy not only Mordecai but also all his people the Jews throughout the whole kingdom of Xerxes (v. 5, 6). If the author had any knowledge of Persian history, he could not have referred to Xerxes II, because Xerxes II only ruled for one year (cf Esthe. | Privacy Policy That is when his aides suggested an all-Persia beauty contest to find a queen for King Ahasuerus. Why do you think God put the book of Esther in the Bible? The first one is that just as King Ahasuerus apparently had sex with many women in search of his queen, both men and women do the same today in the process of finding a future spouse. If He does not use Esther to deliver them, He will use some other means. She would not again go in to the king unless the king delighted in her and she was summoned by name. He was beginning to understand something of Gods sovereign grace and divine providence, beginning to see that God can use even the adversities of life to accomplish His purposes. A. It does mean that when we put our lives in Christs hands and yield ourselves unreservedly to Him, we can be certain that He has a great plan for us from that moment on. Perhaps you want to write an article concerning this? The first banquet gave Esther time to soften up the king and Haman, in order to gain their confidence. So it came about when the command and decree of the king were heard and many young ladies were gathered to the citadel of Susa into the custody of Hegai, that Esther was taken to the kings palace into the custody of Hegai, who was in charge of the women. Why does the NIV say the king was Xerxes, while the ESV says the king was Ahasuerus? It does look like a natural followup! | Terms of Use Anyone that violated this law would face death (v. 10, 11). At the banquet, the king inquired about Esthers reason for the invitation. ix. There is an enormous load of unhappiness and sorrow on that road, as many Christians will testify. The remaining women became his lifelong concubines. So, did King Ahasuerus have sex with all of the virgins before choosing one to marry? But how do you say no to a tyrannical monarch without losing your head? So, the king hanged the evil men. Therefore, the names Xerxes and Ahasuerus are equal, the one coming from the Persian through the Greek, and the other through both Hebrew and Latin. The servitude to Babylon for 70 years began in the 4th year of Jehoiakim ( Jer 25:1, 9-11 ) If Mordecai was a young man around 20 at the time of his captivity 11 years after the beginning of the 70 years of servitude--about 627 B.C.--and Xerxes reigned 485-464 B.C., this would make Mordecai 162 years old in the 1st year of Xerxes. But Mordecai would not kneel down or pay him honor (ch. The whole thing sounded like fun to the king, so he gave his permission, and the search was on. If I have misunderstood you, I apologize. So when ahav shows up, we should pay attention. And instead of blurting out the problem, she invited Ahasuerus and Haman to dinner that evening. This revelation is made through an exchange of communications between Esther and Mordecai. That same night the king could not sleep. He vowed not only to punish Mordecai, but to exterminate every living Jew in the Persian empire, and incidentally, that would include those in the land of Israel as well, for they were part of the empire. Most likely, he had sexual relations with each young virgin. 2 And the king took off his ring, which he had taken from Haman, and gave it unto Mordecai. And, the king loved Esther more than all the women. Therefore, he crowned her queen (v. 17). Among those conscripted were the five sons of Pythias, a Lydian governor. And this act was recorded in the book of the chronicles (v. 2123). The prosthelic a was a necessity of Hebrew articulation. After King Ahasuerus had his wife, Queen Vashti, killed in a fit of drunken rage, messengers were sent to seek out the most beautiful maidens, one of whom would be the next queen of Persia. Esther was a descendant of King Saul. The entire beauty pageant is disgusting. 5:13). One day, while Mordecai was at the kings gate, he overheard of a plan to assassinate the king. Bible commentators associate Esthers king with Xerxes I (485465 BC), son of Darius I, the fourth emperor of the Achaemenid Empire. - In the days of Ahasuerus.Ahasuerus, in the original Akhashverosh, corresponds to Khshayarsha (the Persian name from which the Greeks formed their Xerxes) almost as closely as possible. The story of Esther and King Ahasuerus likely happens approximately 50 years after Daniel dies. Then, King Ahasuerus allotted to Esther all of Hamans estate and gave to Mordecai his signet ring, granting him the authority that Haman had (ch. How he must have longed for the comfort and companionship of his deposed queen to soothe him in his shame and put his fractured ego back together. Xerxes: An Archaeological Biography. When Achashveirosh became king over Persia, he and Vashti ruled over 127 provinces, the entire civilized world. And the Jews annually celebrated this great story of deliverance in the Jewish Feast of Purim on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of the month of Adar (ch. During this time the enemies of Israel hired counselors to bring false accusations to the ears of the different Persian kings. She sent word saying, Go, assemble all the Jews who are found in Susa, and fast for me; do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. version of the Book of Esther the name Artaxerxes occurs for Ahasuerus. Ahasuerus and Xerxes are the same individual by different names, David as a Man after Gods Own Heart (1 Sam 13:14), Homosexuality was Added to the Bible in 1946. All we have is the notice that "the king loved Esther more than all the other women" ( Esth 2:17 ). I will go in to the king, Esther affirmed, and if I perish, I perish. God may want us to carry out some unpleasant task. The king had become drunk on wine and commanded that his wife, Queen Vashti come out before everyone to show how beautiful she was. Dan 9:1 for another Ahasuerus is referenced). This Ahaseurus is Cambyses I (and also confusingly called Artaxerxes see Ezra 4:7). In 1760 Ahasuerus and Haman at the Feast of Esther was sold as number 45 at an auction, listed as coming from Nicolaes Geelvinck, and . Richard L. Strauss authored nine books, and served as pastor of churches in Fort Worth, TX, Huntsville, AL. He will be honored when we claim His grace to be what He wants us to be and do what He wants us to do in our present circumstances. Grace and tact are the key words in her approach. And God will honor it. Ezr 4:5 and bribed counsellors against them to frustrate their purpose, all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of Darius king of Persia. 3:10-14), Living in Love: Secrets from Bible Marriages. Among this group was Esther, a Jewess who kept her ethnic background hidden (verse 8). But the work of God goes much deeper and farther than . After these things when the anger of King Ahasuerus had subsided, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what had been decreed against her (Esth. But Mordecai told Esther, Do not think to yourself that in the kings palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. The ancient city of Shushan also known as Susa, is located on the edge of the modern Iranian city of Shush. They called it the Feast of Purim, from the word Pur, meaning lot or dice. Haman had cast lots to determine the day the Jews should die (cf. Martien A. Halvorson-Taylor, "Ahasuerus and Esther", n.p. What Was the Population of Earth Before the Flood? She spoke with quiet dignity rather than selfish demands or angry accusations. And she added, then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish (v. 16). The sexual relationship was designed to be between a male and a female in the context of marriage for life. "Queen Vashti refused to come before King Ahasuerus, whereupon he flew into a rage." (Esther 1:12) The trap has closed around Vashti with terrible finality: If Vashti obeys the summons, the rightful queen will become a laughingstock to every man and woman in Persia. 2 And all the king's servants, that were in the king's gate, bowed, and reverenced Haman: for the king had so commanded concerning him. Esther 1-10. The study notes in the ESV as well as a commentary I read on Ezra says that Ezra 4:6 to Ezra 4:23 is an interruption in the historical narrative. So what does this mean for Esther? The Hebrew text reads (Ahasuerus), a name which is confirmed by other Greek translations, the Latin Vulgate, the Targums, and the Syriac translation. If we are facing trying circumstances, it might be wise to solicit the prayer support of other Christians. But you may write as you please with regard to the Jews, in the name of the king, and seal it with the king's ring, for an edict written in the . Then, the king told him keep the money and do as you please (v. 8-10). He had a feast one day in front of many nobles and princes. The Jews of the Persian empire were threatened with destruction due to the machinations of Haman, the chief minister to Ahasuerus. Haman was hanged on the gallows he had built for Mordecai, and Mordecai was promoted to prime minister of Persia. A:The Book of Esther tells us that Esther married King Xerxes (Ahasuerus) of Persia and became queen, but the story ends with both Xerxes and Esther still alive so the question is. 76:10). According to Baldwin, Hegai is specifically mentioned by the Greek historian Herodotus as being an officer of King Ahasuerus. He is referred to in Ezra 4:4-7. 5:2). Real Answers. Perhaps this is why the biblical text actually gives no clear reason for the kings love for Esther. So, the king asked him, What shall be done for the man whom the king delights to honor? (v. 6). In the evening she would go in and in the morning she would return to the second harem, to the custody of Shaashgaz, the kings eunuch who was in charge of the concubines. The Hebrew verb to love, ahav, is not always used of couples in the Hebrew Bible. Required fields are marked *. Esther is described in all versions of the Book of Esther as the Jewish queen of a Persian king Ahasuerus. The real passion of his life was to do what his father, Darius I, had never been able to doconquer Greece. Thus, Ahasuerus and Xerxes are the same individual by different names. Esther's cousin, Mordecai, was older than she and he raised Esther. This suggestion pleased Haman, and he had the pole set up (v. 9-14). Our circumstances may not be all we would like them to be. Perhaps this is why the biblical text actually gives no clear reason for the king's love for Esther. 1 as father of Darius, king of Media, and with the one mentioned in Ezra, iv. (1-2) King Ahasuerus and his domain. And then it was time for Esthers second dinner party. The womens quarters were rebuilt by Xerxes, according to inscriptions found there. In the LXX. It is important to notice that two times we are told each young lady would go in to the king. Although Gods name is nowhere mentioned in this book, His providential hand is clearly visible, ruling and overruling in the affairs of men. The story of Esther is found in the Bible in the book that bears her name. 7:3). Esther 3King James Version. Ezr 4:4 Then the people of the land discouraged the people of Judah and made them afraid to build After the fast, Esther appeared before the king. Now this Ahasuerus is NOT Xerxes, the one in Esther 1, but the prior Ahaseurus. God has a purpose for you, right now, right where you are, no matter who you are, where you live, to whom you are married, what you have experienced in the past, or what you are facing in the future. He was not the rightful heir to the Persian throne, but he succeeded in impressing the populace with his riches and power, and he established his government throughout all Persian territories. The second harem, would be the other section of the womens quarters. Esther decided to obey her uncle and risk her life to save her people. She was using good wisdom, and most husbands and wives could learn a lesson from Esther about how to speak and when to speak. King Ahasuerus generally represents God the Father while Mordecai represents Jesus Christ, and Haman represents the devil Satan. He was ready to conquer Greece. His time fits better the environment of Persia during Esther (the 127 provinces which were part of the empire during Darius but not during Xerxes, who looses many of them). In Old Persian the king's name was Khshayarsha, or Ahsiarsu in Akkadian and Ahasuerus in Hebrew. This was King Ahasuerus, who had decided to set aside his first wife, Queen Vashti. What did you learn from the relationship of Ahasuerus and Esther that will profit your relationship with each other? 5. All the virgins were kept in the harem under the care of Hegai (ch. Esther 2:8-11 (NASB). And he went as far as the kings gate, for no one was to enter the kings gate clothed in sackcloth. And the king Ahasuerus laid a tribute upon the land, and upon the isles of the sea. And He taught Esther not to reveal her Jewish identity (v. 10) and visited the kings harem every day to check on her (v. 11). Court of the Persian empire were threatened with destruction due to the king and Haman to dinner that evening ensuring... By the name Artaxerxes occurs for Ahasuerus provinces under the Persian empire we! A male and a small audience other handle the trying circumstances, it might wise. 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